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Student Policies

Every community has certain guidelines, regulations and traditions that all members of the community are expected to abide by and uphold.

By accepting admission to Colorado Mesa University, each student agrees to live by the standards of this community, found in the Maverick Guide within "Residence Life Community Standards".

Visitation and Guest Policies

Residence Life’s policies and procedures related to guests and visitors exist to allow residents to have guests in a manner that does not infringe upon the comfort and rights of other residents and to maintain safety and security in the residence halls.

Do not give your MAVcard for someone else to use


  • A resident is defined as a Colorado Mesa University student entering and exiting a residence hall in which this student
  • A guest is defined as any Colorado Mesa University student visiting a residential area that is not their own and/or a non- Colorado Mesa University person visiting a residential
  • A host or hostess is defined as a resident who assumes responsibility for a guest(s) into his or her room or residence hall in order for that guest(s) to gain entry into the residential
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